Image of preparing for summer camp.

SAJE Vital Signs is a corporate member of the ONTARIO CAMPS ASSOCIATION. Each Camp determines what level of First Aid and CPR certification that their staff requires based on the distance between the Camp and the next level of care and/or the location of programs done off-site and we provide all the various certification options. For example, a Camp located within 20 minutes of a hospital would be required to have a person with at least a basic First Aid and CPR certification on duty when campers are present. If that same Camp takes an off-site camping trip to an area where the longest response time to that hospital falls between 20 to 60 minutes, the camping trip would then need a person with Second Level First Aid and CPR Training. Once the off-site trip is in a more remote area where distance to the next level of help is longer than 60 minutes, those leading the camp need the Wilderness First Aid Certification.

SAJE Vital Signs offers the following specialized First Aid & CPR Certification Courses:


The CPR Level B covers topics necessary to provide first responder care when access to the next level of care is within 20 minutes, if needed.
This course teaches you all your basic first aid skills such as:

— Introduction to First Aid;
— Barrier Devices;
— Emergency Scene Management;
— Choking (conscious and unconscious);
— Shock;
— CPR;
— AED;
— Anaphalaxis;
— Asthma;

Course Length: 3 hours. | Register Now »

Note: This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to run.


This course has been created to help camp staff best deal with injuries that may happen at camp including sudden medical emergencies such as bleeding emergencies.

You will learn the skills outlined below:
— all modalities from Camp CPR Level B;
— Bleeding Emergencies;
— Wound Care.

Course Length: 5 hours. | Register Now »

Note: This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to run.


This specialized Emergency First Aid course is trailored to the injuries that may happen at camp including common medical emergencies such as head and/or spinal injuries. The course also includes CPR Level B.

You will learn the skills outlined below:

— all modalities from Basic First Aid & CPR Level B;
— Diabetes;
— Epilepsy;
— Poisons, Bites, Stings;
— Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, Stroke;
— Head and Spinal Injuries as well as
— Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries.

The CPR B course covers skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking in Adults, Children, and Babies:

— Adult/Child/Baby CPR – one rescuer
— Adult/Child/Baby choking
— Barrier devices/pocket masks
— AED where legislation permits

Course Length: 7 hours. | Register Now »

Note: This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to run.


This specialized Standard First Aid course has been trailored to teach how to teach how to best deal with injuries that may happen at camp including sudden medical emergencies such as severe allegric reactions. The course also includes CPR Level B and all modalities includes in the specialized Emergency First Aid Course above.

You will learn the skills outlined below:

— all modalities from Emergency First Aid & CPR Level B;
— Eye injuries;
— Burns;
— Environmental Emergencies;
— Internal injuries;
— Seizures;
— Pelvic injuries and
— Multiple Casualties.

The CPR B course covers skills needed to recognize and respond to cardiovascular emergencies and choking in Adults, Children, and Babies:

— Adult/Child/Baby CPR – one rescuer
— Adult/Child/Baby choking
— Barrier devices/pocket masks
— AED where legislation permits.

Course Length: 16 hours. | Register Now »

Note: This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to run.


The Wilderness First Aid Course was created by those who took trips in remote areas and found out that the regularly taught first aid courses did not train them for what could be expected in the forest or mountains they were visiting. And, therefore, a group of physicians from the Wilderness Medical Society, created a set of practice guidelines, providing the framework for Wilderness First Aid courses.

This course teaches you all that you need to know about the basics of packaging and transporting injured patients as well as managing life and limb threats in remote environments. This course includes the prevention and treatment of common environmental problems like Hypothermia and Heat Exhaustion and Stroke. In addition, you will also learn:

— Rescue and Evacuation;
— Patient Assessment System;
— Long-Term Patient Care;
— Systemic and Localized Thermal Emergencies;
— Environmental Emergencies;
— Shock & Trauma Extremity injuries;
— Medical Emergencies;
— In-depth scenarios with theatrical make-up;

Course Length: 2-3 days.

To Register: Email Us. This course requires a minimum of 5 participants to run.

About US

SAJE vital Signs has trained over 1.2 million candidates in CPR & First Aid since 1997, and now Ontario's top emergency response training provider. If you have any questions regarding our course or training details, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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